My poetry…
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TeX has several «functions» for «conditional compilation», but there is no built-in for checking if «this string is equal to that». For example, now i need to check if some string (second parameter to my macro) is empty. But this can be achieved by making … Continue readingTeX: testing if string is empty
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Well.. I’ve done my django based configurator for my HTB shaper (bridge/linux). I will try to translate this post in english; if you can read Ukrainian, try here. *subj* :-) Давно було зрозуміло, що без нормального конфігуратора керувати нормальним шейпером «важкувато», але… все ускладнювала одна … Continue readingFinally: my django-based configurator for HTB shaper works
The one thing that most of us Linux users miss when leaving Windows behind is that «alt codes» are not supported. Well here is an under documented feature that should allow you to type alt codes and access all of the special characters with Ubuntu, … Continue readingUse Windows “alt codes” in Linux but better
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Regarding the problem with shaping vlan-tagged traffic on linux bridge — it was my fault :-) I asked, and Sergey Vlasov answered me with some info and hint — thanks a lot!-) As Sergey told, «a packet is being passed to bridge module before 8021q can … Continue readingHTB/8021q: That was my fault
I liked just a couple of their songs, or, rather, the manner. But… *That* time was horrible. Really. ps. Red sunrise is followed by brown sunset…
Update: there are no any problem with vlans in classifiers, that was my fault. Have been playing with shapers and run into such a problem: u32 classifier does not work (?) for tagged traffic on «non-tagged» linux bridge. In more details: Test bed: Let’s take … Continue readingProblem with shaping vlan-tagged traffic on linux bridge
If the future needs us — in a which way?.. … already for a long time humanity is the human-machine system, which only in this state can perform its functions. If we look at trends, we can see that part of this system’s information, which is … Continue readingAren’t we going to loose something?..
A history. Some time ago i was looking for a generator of OSPF Hello packets for bombing «test bed». After twidding with packEth (i was catching/forming/checking packets, it was lazy and sleepy, hung occasionally) i left this idea — took two cisco routers and set a … Continue readingUsing Scapy for… fun :-)
Background voice: «on most weapons — text in Ukrainian»… Well… For those who can not distinguish — this is a lie. Usual russian mass-lie. And… Do you know, what is shocking thing here? That there are people, who talks about a «single common nation» and «single common … Continue readingUkrainian weapons in Georgia?..