Django-based HTB shaper configurator

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I’ve decided to make it available after some nice people asked for this.

Now i have no time and, let’s say, health to make it better, so please don’t complain :-)

I guess it maybe would be better to make it available somewhere at — i would like to work on this code later, surely.

Anyway. Now — as it now is. With incomplete README:


Sorry, this is a mess.

Look at, of course. And there is one more file,, take a look, make changes.

This configurator assumes that you have a linux box with two network
interfaces connected in a bridge (two-ports Ethernet switch), and you
wish to set up a HTB shaper on each; and these shapers should be
symmetrical, one for incoming (destined to your IP(s)) and another for
outgoing (from your IP(s)) traffic.

This configurator assumes that you already do have a script, which
should set up your shaper's "basement" — root qdisc and root
class(es). With their leaves (qdiscs and classes) possibly. With —
important — hash tables for all your /24s.

An i assume you can set up django and add this "project" to it .)

Then you can set up (via django admin interface or using fixtures) your
networks, all one by one, as /24 prefixes (2 for /23, 4 for /22 etc..).

You can (and should, actually) configure:
  -  "QoS classes" (in terms of "which class should be a parent for this
     client's class" and "which part of ceil should be guaranteed").
  -  contract types (to use identifiers for contracts in a form
  -  ?.. something else?.. Well, i will update this README, i hope.

You may configure:
  -  "own" client's networks (which, for example, your client announces
     to you via some of dynamic routing protocols, or which are set up
     statically by you own)
  -  network ranges delegations — ugly, "incomplete" (if smth else may
     be considered as complete)

Now — i am really sorry, *really* :-) — there is no gettext support,
and there are a lot of comments and remarks in Ukrainian.

Now there are a lot (no too much though) places with unused code or like
this — *this is a mess*.

I am not a programmer, at all. I wish _you_ could help me to do this

"AS IS", surely, and this README — "AS IS".


# .-)
# vim: set tw=72:

I am not even sure this can be deployed and used. It works for me though, works great. So i hope i will update it to some more usable state.

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